Ji Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine
Dr. Yan Ji has been practicing medical acupuncture and Chinese herbs for couple decades in both China and USA. Ji Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine clinic founded in Denver, CO since 2006. Dr. Ji offers traditional Chinese acupuncture, Chinese herbs, electroacupuncture, cupping therapy, Tui Na (acupressure), Gua Sha; specializes in pain management, infertility, anxiety, insomnia, allergy, Bell’s palsy, ED, BPH, diabetes, weight loss, women health, wellness, etc. Address 5300 DTC Pkwy, Ste 330, Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Owner Name : Yan Ji Email: info@yanjiacupuncture.com, Home3348 Phone Number: 303-337-2866 M-F: 9am-6pm, Saturday : 8:30AM-12:30PM, Sun: Closed Website : https://www.yanjiacupuncture.com/ Social Media Link https://www.facebook.com/yanjiacupuncture https://www.yelp.com/biz/acupuncture-and-oriental-medicine-greenwood-village