sri krishna pesticides
we deal in the following forms of pesticides: 1) Insecticides dust: a) fenvalrate 0.4% D.P. b) malathion 5% D.P. c) cypermethrin 0.25% D.P. d) quinalphos 1.5% D.P. 2) Insecticides liquid: a) monocrotophos 36% b) dimethoate 30% EC c) quinalphos 25% EC d) cypermethrin 25% EC e) chlorpyriphos 20%EC f) malathion 50% EC g) Fipronil 5% EC h) dichlorvos 76% EC 3) plant growth granules: a) triacontanol GR 0.05% b) triacontanol 0.05% EC c) fipronil 0.3% 4) Fungicides a) carbendazim 12%+ mancozeb 63% b) sulphur 80% WDG 5. Herbicides a) pendimethalin 30% b) Imazethapr 10% S.L
- JAIPUR, Rajasthan, India
- 8209568076
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